#33 Feeld, FOSTA, & Porn By The Numbers
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Will Max and Hannah ever be declared a couple on the Feeld dating app? Did FOSTA SESTA actually do anything to solve human sex trafficking? Are sex workers happy with their fate? How many women watch porn? What’s the most popular porn category in Bulgaria? Who is Belle Delphine?! Find out all of this AND MORE!
Honestly, this episode is not for the faint of heart. It’s graphic, it’s passionate. There’s a long conversation about shoes.
Content Warning: This episode contains frank discussion of pornography, human trafficking, sex work, and Chastain’s rant about society as a whole.
Click here to jump to the FULL TRANSCRIPT of this episode.
Terms of Note
Here are some terms and phrases we use in this podcast and links to articles we find informative. If we say something unfamiliar to you, please drop us a line on Twitter @podpodcvltcast FB /podpodcvltcast or email: thepod@podpodcvltcast.com Check out episode #1, #2, #3, #4,or #5 for some basic polyamory and kink terms. Or check out our glossary episodes #24 & #25
Resources & References
- PSA Referenced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SB7-uqvnS0&feature=emb_logo
- Article Referenced: The Human Cost Of FOSTA
- Podcast Reference: Reply All Episode #119 “No Safe Harbor”
- Stats Referenced: On International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, We Must Look Closely at the Results of FOSTA
- Non-Profit Referenced: Ashton Kutcher’s Thorn
- Chastain’s Interview on Neurotic Nourishment
- Dating App: Feeld
- Website: Pornhub’s 2019 Year in Review
- Chastain and Hannah’s Eye Makeup: 24 Hour Eye Tattoo in Leather
- Website: Sex Workers Outreach Project swopusa.org
- Website: National Coalition for Sexual Freedom
Episode 33 Transcript
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Pod Pod Cvlt Cast Ep # 33 Feeld, FOSTA, & Porn By The Numbers
porn, sex workers, pornhub, sex trafficking, sex, search, videos, people, good, find, sites, list, women, hannah, law, cupid, backpage, lesbian, psa, craigslist
Chastain 00:07
Funny joke to me I had never heard about Adi das. I’d never heard that pronunciation
Max 00:11
I do have the shell toe Adidas with the pet strings.
Erik 00:15
I had a pair in like ninth or 10th grade that I actually wore out and nothing and they were some of my very favourite shoes ever. indoor soccer shoes. Yeah. It’s super super comfortable. grippy. Did you? Yeah. Did you play indoor soccer? No. Yeah, the Sambas are awesome. Dude. They were even better than that. It was that type of shoe but like, more like a slipper. They’re super small and thin and lightweight, grippy like my dick.
Chastain 00:49
I’m just trying to get in the
Hannah 00:51
box with the straps.
Chastain 00:52
I didn’t have. I have little Canvas shoes and and jelly shoes. I didn’t wear tennis shoes. I have a pair of tennis shoes now.
Max 00:59
I got it. Skechers I got into those samples when I had my clothes or sambas, whatever. When I had my fixed gear bike with the, the tow cages because somebody told me that there’s indoor soccer shoes had really rigid soles, so they were good for, for cycling
Erik 01:19
actually. Now, the shoes that I write mostly wear when I cycle now I don’t wear cycling shoes because they don’t have clips on them. And I have a pair of Pumas that are driving shoes, and it’s specifically because the soles are kind of they’re little, they’re rigid and kind of weirdly shaped because you’re you rock your foot on the heel for the pedals, right. And that’s what I use for my non cycling cycling shoes. I used to have a pair of specialised that wore clip shoes. They didn’t have the cleats on them for clips, but were like really they were in every other solid polygon carbonate bottom
Max 02:01
yeah kind of in other every other way they were like cycling shoes except they didn’t have cleats those were good if you were interested in looking for a non cleated cycling shoe you know I want to look at specialised
Erik 02:11
or I don’t want like mountain bike ones. I like that.
Chastain 02:15
Why do you both have boners right now?
Erik 02:19
I don’t
Chastain 02:22
even though to boners right now.
Hannah 02:24
very rigid souls
Chastain 02:27
with clips.
Hannah 02:32
perpetual spirit bonus.
Max 02:36
Look how proud you are. Really perked up because if you hear perpetual, rigid soul burner What did you say? perpetual spirit boner spirit boner.
Erik 02:51
I think we have a title Welcome.
Max 02:54
Hannah 03:00
Welcome to the Pod Pod Cvlt Cast where we talk about life love, learning and libido and share our journey through polyamory and kink. I’m Hannah.
Max 03:08
Chastain 03:09
I’m Chastain
Erik 03:10
I’m Erik.
Max 03:11
I’m Max.
Pod Pod Cvlt Cast 03:13
Hi, we talked about shoes. I’m done. Yeah, we were.
Chastain 03:20
Okay, so, so before we talk about anything else today, I think we have to do this unboxing so Hannah has
Hannah 03:28
So no, that was a joke.
Chastain 03:29
No joke. I was very serious.
Erik 03:32
Yeah, but it’s an audio form. That’s why it’s fucking funny. So that’s what fucking useless Hannah
Chastain 03:36
has an Amazon box here and she’s going to open up her
Max 03:40
patches and in an envelope, she doesn’t have any box. A device with which to open.
Hannah 03:45
She’s going to use her cheese and I use my strong. Hey,
Max 03:48
man. Did you see that old lady yesterday open up her. Her iced tea in the grocery store with her teeth. Yeah, that was foul. Yeah, it was crazy.
Chastain 03:58
Like You know your body strength. Okay, so now opening the box and we can we can see some plastic
Hannah 04:09
it’s the box the size of I don’t know
Chastain 04:12
if it’s like a shoe box.
Max 04:14
Smaller but smaller
Hannah 04:16
ladder the air pack bubbles it’s an Amazon ban one bubble wrapped Maybelline New York I stuck
Erik 04:24
eyeshadow in your I
Hannah 04:29
was at the tattoo okay this is the hard part is too much tape is it the I tattoo stuff? That stuff’s good? Yes. This is the 24 hour colour tattoo in leather. I have that much as you do. Yeah, it’s like I can share I want to check for sure. I thought that’s how you so I got this to do really dark shadow but because I feel like I could use it as an eyeliner. Have you tried, okay, that’s, that’s what I want. You can use rollable Yes.
Max 05:03
much lighter
Chastain 05:04
and that stuff does stay and you can smudge it out but it dries really fast. Are
Erik 05:08
you endorsing it? No. No
Max 05:11
like a product they can use our amazon link that’s exactly
Hannah 05:14
right ordered on Amazon
Chastain 05:16
on Amazon and we’ll put a link in the show notes do
Hannah 05:19
not as popular as they used to be. I haven’t seen another one. Yeah, I think that this one is just another colour of the same thing. I’m Olympus much smaller though and easier to open. I’ve got a paperwork a big paper receipt, Maybelline New York I studio that’s not stuck. I studio colour tattoo metal 24 hour cream gel eyeshadow barely branded
Max 05:45
Hannah 05:46
So metal. So we’re well on my way to having entirely slightly glittered makeup all over the face. I just thought like I’m like oh entirely just a little bit shimmery. I look like just a little magic so
Erik 06:05
entirely just a little magic
Hannah 06:07
or just a little sunburn from the lighting guys going for like, oh, a warm, sunny glow and it just looks a little bit like I got burned but
Erik 06:16
it’s okay, so we’re finished with a metal flake.
Hannah 06:19
Kind of Yeah, that’s exactly right.
Max 06:22
Erik knows about metal flake.
Hannah 06:25
Okay, this one is my favourite. I actually like it hot. I like it. It’s almost exactly
Max 06:30
the same as mine last hour.
Chastain 06:33
It’s like a skin tone colour. It’s like
Hannah 06:34
a skin tone. So you can put it wherever you want. putting it on my cheeks right now. With my hands like an animal
Max 06:44
and it will Erik and I are just gonna have a separate conversation. You can’t
Chastain 06:50
see it because the podcast thank you for unboxing your makeup. I thought it was seeds for your garden. Oh, I’m sorry. I could have warned you
Erik 06:59
Now I have seats are just gonna cut the first. All right. Not
Hannah 07:04
all of these now. So today we’re going to talk about that.
Chastain 07:09
Are you finished?
Erik 07:10
You won’t be able to hear any of them because there’s packaging.
Chastain 07:13
Are you quite finished?
Erik 07:16
What? You can’t take that tone? you requested her to do it? Yeah,
Max 07:19
this was your whole deal.
Chastain 07:22
Okay, so I need to know. Did you to finally get linked up on the field app? Yes. No. And are you dating people from the field app now? Oh, I mean, I guess
Max 07:34
we’re dating each other. Yes. So thankfully, all
Chastain 07:38
together. That’s not dating.
Max 07:40
Yeah. I don’t know what we are. Yeah, so what it took was majestic. Well, I will also talk about that. What it took was Hannah sent me two links or whatever. So we could link our profile. But clicking on it in the app did nothing okay. So I had to add nor nor could I copy paste it. So I had to write out with my hand on a piece of paper, like a god damn barbarian. Tell me that the URL and then go to a website and type in that URL and then bada bing, Bada bang we were connected as, as partners on our thing.
Hannah 08:25
Yeah, it’s it’s rough. And they’re like, as I’m scrolling through, there are other profiles that are there that are like, oh, we’re trying this again, since hopefully this is like better than the better. So people know that it’s new, better Aurora, and it’ll get better the more you get the beta better than the beta, beta,
Chastain 08:49
beta. And
Hannah 08:51
it also made me do like the double authentication with my email every time I open the app for 10 days or something and stuff.
Chastain 08:59
So this is still a relatively new, right. Okay, so it’s still working out some kinks.
Hannah 09:05
Oh, I was scrolling through the other night and ask Chastain if you recognise somebody because like that. I don’t know this guy’s name, but his face looks familiar. Definitely
Chastain 09:13
no. And you said,
Hannah 09:14
Cupid and the very next day, that’s where I saw.
Chastain 09:17
Yeah, he’s definitely okay Cupid.
Max 09:20
So the whole majestic thing I mentioned when we were talking about it before that I was definitely going to forget to cancel that before the seven day free trial, and I definitely forgot to cancel that.
Hannah 09:32
Wait, how much does it cost?
Max 09:33
So they got me for 20 bucks. Yeah, so thank you patrons for paying for one month of me.
Chastain 09:40
So we’ll we’ll be updating you extensively on the field app and making sure that we just we’re gonna get right in there.
Hannah 09:47
I didn’t become majestic. So I can’t see that. 200 and you just
liked me. You are my job. I had
Max 09:54
to. Yeah.
Erik 09:57
So I think one of them was you.
Chastain 10:01
As a reminder, if you are male identifying it is not recommended that you pay for dating apps. If you are female identifying you’re going to find that paying for it will give you a better user experience. And you’ll be able to be a little more choosy. So yeah, I probably open it up twice a week or something, right and have three new users for me to either heart or minus, I think are the two options that you get there. That’s right. Hi.
Max 10:30
Yeah. And I think that Hannah, when I was watching you play with it the other night, it looked like you were able to scroll through people without hurting or missing them,
Hannah 10:41
right. It does not force you to choose right,
Max 10:43
which is different than Tinder or Bumble or whatever.
Chastain 10:47
Okay, Cupid. You can. I think you can swipe through people without selecting them.
Erik 10:53
It was kind of
Chastain 10:56
changed it. I think, okay, Cuba doesn’t know what they’re doing. They’ve been around a long time. Okay Cupid has been around since one or two. Yeah, I remember taking the quiz and the quiz. There used to be quizzes that told you what your romance type or your love time was. Okay Cupid told me that I was a battle axe that I was so that yeah that I was somebody who would just force my love upon someone and make them accept it until I broke down. So thanks okay Cupid more for just getting that right. So
Max 11:31
what was the one with the commercial with the old guy where he had to take a bunch of quizzes that was he harmony? harmony? Is that around? Yes. Well, somebody told us a long time ago that if you answered one of those quizzes and said you are non Christian that you just got kicked off the thing. Yeah. Real?
Chastain 11:48
I think so. Yeah. And if you say that you’re you can’t be married and they check. They check database. They check. Check it, they do. They check your ideas. Things like that. And they check marriage
Max 12:02
in your door and see via wedding pictures.
Chastain 12:06
Now when you get married, it’s a matter of public record, right? Yeah. So So today we’re talking about a couple of different things, mostly sex related, but some of that series and some of its not so much. So why don’t we get some of the serious stuff out of the way? Should we just claim? Yes, disclaimer, am I just claiming Okay, so
Max 12:30
obviously discuss
Chastain 12:31
as previously discussed, I will I forgot a little bit. This is a podcast where we express our opinions about love and relationships, sex and kink polyamory, and LGBTQ issues, and whatever else comes up. And while we talk about these things, we may also touch on stuff like violence, abuse and mental health challenges, and today we’re going to talk about sex trafficking. These can be difficult topics, so keep that in mind as we move ahead. So I mentioned sex trafficking. I want to pause recording for just two moment to play a PSA that came out about two years ago about sex trafficking to sort of inspire our conversation. And it’s something that we can talk about. And then I will definitely link this in the show notes so everybody can enjoy this
Max 13:15
public sites agreement.
Chastain 13:16
It’s not a public sex agreement. That’s what the letters said.
Max 13:21
Yeah. Let’s click public service
Chastain 13:23
announcement. So these are people who had to, you know, do time and yeah, so we’re gonna pause real quick, and we’re back and we’re back. So we just watched a PSA that quote underscores the urgency to clarify and update section 230 of the communications decency act in order to better disrupt online sex trafficking of children and adult victims, featuring Seth Meyers, Amy Schumer, Joss Charles, Tony Shalhoub, Kathleen, Kathleen Chalfont don’t know who that is. JOHN domon of Lisa Rainier, annalynne McCord dunbrack Shar Ferguson Chloe Flower Laurie tension pastor AR Bernard Russia machete Malak Compton rock, Matthew cod z Ali Jean and Zoe Hyman?
Max 14:13
I don’t know most of those people are. Can I tell a quick anecdote based on the clip you quit? Because you quit something about doing a PSA because you had gotten in trouble with the law. I had two friends when I was a, you know, teens and in my early 20s, who grew up in the town that James Brown had his recording studio in. And after he got arrested, part of his public service thing was he had to go to high schools and like, talk to the kids. So he would go into the high school and be like, Hey, don’t shoot up your recording studio and run from the gods. And then that was it like that. That was his public service. That’s
a very useful service announcement.
Max 14:55
I’m James Brown. Don’t run for the cops.
Chastain 14:58
Hello, kids. I’m James Brown gold. So Hannah said the other night that she was talking about the Super Bowl. Do you want to talk to me a little bit about? Yeah, now that we’ve kind of heard that PSA, I know
Hannah 15:13
that that so that was a couple years ago. This came out two years ago. And it was while they were trying to pass FOSTA SESTA. And so there’s been a big push prior to that. And since then, around the Super Bowl, because it’s a place where a bunch of people gather and everyone’s paying attention, and it’s a good place to get your voice heard. So on Facebook, which is where I was, there’s, there’s always that big push up like did you know and statistics about sex trafficking and how many people are, which is terrible, first of all, but also, I’ve started to hear a different set of voices, which is saying, Hey, this is actually a little bit different and more complicated than people think. It is all about. This push the the P essays are about limiting sex work. And they’re using the scare tactic of sex trafficking and confusing the two issues in a way that is not correct or ethical.
Chastain 16:15
Yes. And I wanted to hear about that from someone who had done more research than me. So I asked Jessica what she could tell me so so what we’re talking about is pasta siesta and fossa. sester are two acts that they were US Senate and House bills that became law on April 11 2018, which is when I retired from sex work. FOSTA allows states and victims to quote fight online sex trafficking act. That’s what stands for FOSTA. And SESTA stands for stop enabling sex traffickers act. Both of these bills are what shut down backpage or so that’s what they’d like us to believe. Neither of them shut down back page back page. shut down. The week before these came out. I advertised my services on back page, I was a sexual worker who used backpage to find work find clients, safely, etc. sites that were like backpage. Afterwards, it was just parasites and they didn’t actually do anything. Yeah, can you? Can you talk about what the mirror sites are? And what mirror sites do when when you have pages like back page, you you know, you post an ad. I know you’re familiar with Craigslist. We’ve talked a lot about Craigslist.
Max 17:31
As we will talk more.
Chastain 17:34
We talked a lot about Craigslist and placing ads looking for organic meat and couples or girls or whatever. But with that page, you could pay to place an ad or you could do a free listing. There are websites with web crawlers that will go look for escort sites with phone numbers or pictures or sex worker names and they will take that data and download it into a database And then just regurgitate it onto another website. And those the companies that do that are usually foreign based. And they just keep regurgitating that information on their sites because it drives traffic because sex work is a really big industry.
Max 18:14
And then what they sell ads on their site,
Chastain Rants About Mirror Sites
Chastain 18:16
yeah, they sell ads on that site. They sell ads on those sites. And some sites make you paid to, like get things taken off of the off of them. And some sites make you pay for memberships to see certain information, like get the full phone number. They it’s it’s all very nefarious. But those aren’t United States websites. And so these laws have nothing to do with them. So when I retired, and all of this stuff went away on backpage. And all of my data went away on backpage. I started seeing a lot of my ads pop up elsewhere, and I was getting calls for sex work. That was not sex work that I did because I was a pro DOM and as a pro Dom I did not provide what we call full service sex work. Which is sexual contact. And these were people looking for escorts. So I was getting calls, text messages, emails day and night. And I was having to ask people where they got my information, I was letting them know, hey, please vote. You’ve got this, like, please vote to get rid of FOSTA SESTA. And also, you got this information from a site that I did not consent to getting my information. And also, it’s not safe to find sex workers online anymore. So please don’t contact me again. And then I would have to go try and backtrack where they got that information and go through the very lengthy and annoying process of getting my information taken off of that website. And that was horrible. And it was day in day out. So I retired from sex work and spent about six months doing that maybe two hours a
Max 19:49
day. Yeah, we would be sitting on the sofa watching TV, and your your work phone. Alert would sound with a text message. You No once an hour or so it was a lot.
Chastain 20:02
Yeah, it was a lot. And it was. It was, it took a toll on me it really, you know, I was already a little burnt out on what was going on with all of that stuff leading up to FOSTA SESTA. But it was, it was a lot. But what FOSTA says to did was it was a well, what was what was assessed us was supposed to do was take these ads for children off of the internet because we just watched a PSA that said that you could just go online and order a child like it was a pizza, you could you know, and that people were having sex with children and just ordering them online. Well, nobody wants that. Nobody wants that. Well as somebody who used to back page and peruse the back page ads and look through all of that. I never saw anything that was listed as under age and I never saw pictures that looked like they were under age. What I did see a lot of were people who were like me who were consensual sex workers. When the FOSTA SESTA came up Originally, I really questioned like, why this was good. And then backpage went away. And it went away really suddenly, before the law was even enacted. That was my bread and butter. Any other site to advertise any kind of sex works or services in any sort of legal way, is something you have to pay for and like, really, sex workers don’t have much of a marketing budget. You know, we have to do things like consider having good and updated photos, having a good and updated website, those things can be expensive. So also putting advertising in that and having our free source or low cost source of advertising where we can get easy exposure to new clients go away. It’s really damaging.
Hannah 21:47
So the legal sort of mechanism that they used to accomplish this makes the content publishers including, like free, open to the public message board type publishers responsible legally for what’s published on the site.
Chastain 22:04
exactly exactly. So what these websites did and they did it willingly and prior to these laws so these laws didn’t do anything these were companies going okay we’ll just shut down the personal section. So that’s what they did Craigslist got rid of their personal section and sorted back page. So I’m back page
Erik 22:23
listed already done that a while before
Chastain 22:25
they had they had but you could still get things like services on on Craigslist, you could still get a massage on Craigslist. And there were lots of veiled ways that people were doing body rubs and things like that through Craigslist, that could still be, you know, veiled sex work. So Craigslist, got rid of all that. Yeah. But what this did was the the reason these companies shut down with the shut down these parts of their websites and these parts of their business is public opinion.
Hannah 22:58
All right, whether the laws have been passed around Not exactly tide had shifted enough that it was a liability. Exactly. And it happened pretty fast. Right? Because I’m thinking, I think it was. I mean,
Chastain 23:08
it wasn’t that long ago. It was like a three week period of Oh, no, this is going away. Oh, no, this section is gone. Nope, there goes. Yeah, like, first the the actual escort section of Back Page went away. And then the personal sections started going away. And we were adjusting as we were going with the whole thing, you know, when the escort section went away, we just moved to, you know, men for women or women for men or women for women. When those started going away, we would just move to like other services like massage and whatnot and, and then those started going away. And then suddenly there was this government warning that you know, due to this, but it wasn’t the government that shut anything down. It was just backpage covering their ass,
Max 23:55
right? It was lawyers like a lot of things exactly like risk.
Hannah 23:59
Exactly. So Nobody wants to be the person who like made money. All right, turning a blind eye to something illegal.
Chastain 24:07
Exactly. And they did charge for advertising. So what this did though, was take sex workers from having a safe way to get their ads in front of a lot of people and then be able to screen through and winnow down and find clients to having nothing having no way to do that. And putting a lot of people back on the streets. I retired. It was no longer safe for me to do what I did. I, you know, I could still take referrals, but like I work in, you know, like, I’m not gonna How do you ask that? I don’t know. It’s not really what I did. And it wasn’t the type of sex work that I did. And I still know people who are doing sex work and a lot of people move to camming a lot of people moved to, they went back to different types of sex work, they went back to dancing, they went back to pumps, they went back to agencies they went back to different and less safe things. And I asked you all to listen to this episode of reply all where they talk it called no safe harbour and we’ll definitely link it in the show notes. And they they interview sex workers and I could I can’t listen to the episode because I have such strong feelings and because it’s so close to home and
Max 25:23
yeah, they also in that that episode, they also use that phrase as easily as you can order a pizza outside of the PSA. Yeah. Which it’s so interesting to me when like these sort of nonsense phrases just get repeated in a thing they become. Yeah, root. Yeah,
Chastain 25:42
yeah. You know, I have some stats for you if you want some stats. So one, a couple of things that this affected was that actually made it harder for law enforcement to crackdown on sex trafficking. Because when you take away the online paper trail, you make it harder to find people Because the internet is actually a way that a lot of people are finding kids who are being sex trafficked. The things that you see in the TV shows are absolutely true. They have people who are looking at backgrounds for hotel rooms and pictures of kids to try and find out where they might be and things like that that stuff that happens. So when you take away the paper trail, you make it harder on law enforcement. They did a in San Francisco, and they got some stats from the San Francisco Police Department. They said that since FOSTA SESTA treat based sex work So ladies and gentlemen on the street, everybody in between spiked 170% since last assessed that 99% of the participants who were sex workers in the survey feel that they are not safer because of FOSTA and that 40% of sex workers reported an increase in violence against them after FOSTA SESTA. That’s a lot. Yeah. That’s a lot.
Hannah 27:03
Good job, Erik. So what you’re saying is that the laws did not stop people.
Chastain 27:07
The laws did not from
Hannah 27:09
doing the behaviours. Yeah,
Chastain 27:11
they didn’t stop people. And there’s been no proof that it’s actually in any way stopped. I’m sorry, sex trafficking hang on trying to find out did it make us as a society feel less complicit in sex trafficking because we did a law?
Erik 27:26
I mean, I guess but live in the ad campaign that they pushed it Yeah,
Chastain 27:30
yeah. So I want to know who like who got all of these celebrities on board to go like, hey, pass this law. That’s not going to do fucking anything except for, oh, well, it’s hired demographic of people.
Max 27:45
It’s easy to elicit an emotional response. Yeah, right. Like and that’s what that is. See, someone some marketing firm was hired to do this and was able to elicit an emotional response by citing some The statistics at Amy Schumer are right was in this thing.
Chastain 28:04
Well, and I know um, who is it Ashton Kutcher works with a sex trafficking charity. He actually has a sex trafficking charity that works to find kids online and works internationally to help and sex trafficking rings and things like that. Like, that’s celebrity work I can get behind. But this just seems silly to me.
Max 28:28
Yeah, that reply all. story had a really interesting statistic and that, in that when services were available through things like Craigslist in a city, and I think it was Craigslist, specifically that you’re talking about, yeah, they were talking about Craigslist with it. They found that instances of violence against women dropped by 17% Yeah, not instances of violence against sex workers or instances women and gentlemen, street sex or like, just in general. Dropped 17% when one was able to find a sex worker through Craigslist, and that’s fascinating.
Chastain 29:08
I mean, yeah, I mean, and unfortunately, if you look at psychology, there’s a lot of sexual aggression and male identifying people. And testosterone is a hell of a hormone and causes a lot of sexual aggression. And there are people with personality issues and emotional disorders, who need to act that out in sexual ways, and need somebody to validate them in some way. And the majority of sex work is emotional labour. So, if you think about it, when you do have some kind of way to act that out, of course, there’s going to be a drop in violence against women. Of course, they’re going to be able to go home and have that already out of their system before instead of going home and beating up the old wifey. No I mean, that makes utter complete sense to me.
Max 30:03
Yeah. Like my, my take on most of this class of law is both cynical and sort of hopeful about the human condition because like, I really do think that most people, even people who work in politics, if not actual politicians, but the people who work in legislature and who pass laws and the sorts of things like, honestly do think they’re doing the right thing, right. So, but cynical in the sense that if you pass a law, it seems like you’re doing something right. So that you can, you know, we have like draconian laws Against Drunk Driving. We have really draconian laws against things that we all agree are bad for society and are dangerous, but it is unnecessary to die alone. When you are have things in place to take care of these problems, right? So if you pass a law that is meant to do a good thing that is meant to curb sex trafficking, right? That feels good to everybody. And there’s nobody who’s gonna stand up and say you shouldn’t do that thing. But I, I have to believe for the sake of my own spirit that like most people aren’t doing that and bad faith. Most people are doing that in good faith, that they truly believe that what they’re doing is the right thing to achieve a societal good.
Erik 31:46
Well, the way that they sold it in that PSA in particular, was like, Hey, this is this is how this works. It’s ridiculous that in this day and age, that can be a thing. So we got to change that and they Do it in such a basic emotional hook kind of way that of course you have to agree with it. But then look past that initial will fuck yeah, we can this is something we can do we shut down this website goes away.
Max 32:15
I feel like they’re acting in good faith,
Erik 32:17
but they’re not looking past what the thing actually is because it’s such a base and immediate thing.
Chastain 32:24
Here’s the thing is that I need people in government who don’t act on their first reaction. I need them to sit back and go, Okay, here’s my first emotional response. Now, let me look at the data. Now let me do the research. Now let me understand what’s the five year effect of the thing that I’m doing? What’s the effect on the different demographics that are involved? How is this going to not only affect the businesses that are involved with this, but the people who work the customers with the business who were involved with this, this was not thought out? Well, there was no foresight. It was acted rationally. And it was simply a move to get people to look at politicians positively and say like, oh, you’re doing something about saving the kids. This is just like fucking passing a cancer bill to save kids. That’s all this is gonna be supporting Kansas is a bullshit law that did nothing. It’s still doing nothing and it’s hurting thousands of people in this country. And it’s ridiculous. And I’m one of the people that hurt. So I don’t think it was done in good faith. I think it was done in stupidity. And I don’t want stupid people in office. I think that
Erik 33:38
those can coexist. Yeah, I don’t think that no, no, no, we’ll just wait. It can be that. Come on. Stupid people have good faith and things all the
Chastain 33:48
time. I don’t think that career politicians are stupid. I think they’re manipulative sons of bitches. This is true.
Erik 33:53
This is why it’s not at all surprised and I don’t
Chastain 33:55
think they do anything in good faith. I don’t have that kind of faith in humanity. I have faith. that people have the potential to be good. But that doesn’t mean that I think they’re good. I’m sorry, but that’s how I feel about it.
Erik 34:09
Hannah 34:13
Yeah, it doesn’t make you question like, not all of the people who participated in that PSA, who are obviously like there to give their genuine emotional response to the statistics they were being shown in certainly not all the people who signed who just wanted to feel like they had done something good in the world. But the people who drafted the legislation should have known better, right, and they should have listened to the people who are directly impacted. Yeah. And that’s, I guess, that my cynicism is in the direction of who stands to gain and it’s very few people in these, you know, in this particular case, and a lot of these circumstances like nobody there, there is no motive for a vast conspiracy. But there is a motive for a few people to garner like you said, respect and admiration or doing something. It’s just their own. not beneficial.
Chastain 35:00
They voted on a law that looks good on paper. That’s what they did. It goes on their record as Oh, they voted for a thing that saves kids. That’s all it is. It’s a blitz publicity thing. They keep to the same pressure that, you know, put entire companies out of business. So it was definitely a public movement that had like it had already won people’s hearts. It was a public movement. That was fear mongering it was it was it was put out there by the government in the first place.
Erik 35:28
Oh, well, okay, so the government did a fear mongering based rash decision. Is anybody surprised by that in this day and age? This is
Chastain 35:40
disappointed. I’m not surprised by it. I just, you know, it’s 2020 it’s the end of the world anyway. I’m not surprised by it. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t be angry about it.
Erik 35:50
Yeah, I don’t disagree with that.
Chastain 35:52
So on the bright side, there are organisations that are trying to help sex workers. There’s an organisation called swap. Is the make sure you get the suffix of that site right as well because you probably get some other different w op. Not SW AP sex workers outreach project and as a social justice network that’s devoted to human rights of sex workers and helping to end violence against sex workers and also the stigma against sex work. And it promotes decriminalisation and also giving agency to the people in the sex work trade. December 17, was international and violence against sex workers day and that was the day before I had my interview with Dr. Lindsay Weisner on the neurotic nourishment podcast I talked to her a little bit about this and talked to her a little bit about swap USA. So we’ll put a link to that in the show notes. So when you see sort of a yearly push around the Superbowl, or do you notice that because, yeah, do you feel like that has a basis in the reality We have a situation or is it more of I don’t think that kids are being taken from their parents and put into sex work? No, I think that children are being brought across the border. I think that children are being and children and young adults and teens are being brought into the country illegally, and also used for sex work in other nations. I think that a lot of the porn that we see is of questionable age, and also that a lot of the porn that we see from international a lot of the Eastern European porn that we see those girls are in some kind of agreement where they they’re working off a debt, that sex trafficking and you know, there was this there was a problem A while ago about there were some ads placed where girls were answering ads to go become porn stars in California, and they would go out and they were being flown out, and they would end up being trapped in hotel rooms and sex trafficked and used for prostitution. used for filming and things like that. I think things like that still happen. But I don’t think that there’s the white van showing up in your neighbourhood and taking kids and then putting them in boxes and putting videos on them on them on the internet. Well, either way that’s happening at the level that they want us to believe that’s happening. It had nothing to do with the website anyway. Yeah, there were
Erik 38:25
I never used that. In fact, that was that was also part of the replied that person, one of the sex traffickers that they interviewed was talking about how they essentially just use the law to scapegoat back page. And it had nothing to do with sex trafficking. All
Chastain 38:40
right. Now and the thing is, is that the places where you could go and buy children, they closed down the Silk Road years ago, the Silk Road on the dark web, and onion sites and things like that, which were where you had to have like when you had untrackable internet access They still don’t have a handle on how to shut that down. There’s still drugs and, you know, services and all kinds of stuff being sold on the dark web that they don’t have control over. I think that they should have done something with that. Yeah, but that wasn’t really mentioned in the bill at all. I think when we hear statistics like they were quoting in the PSA, we all want to feel like we can do something to you know, to make things better. From your perspective, what can we do to be more responsible consumers pornography of whatever sexual services so to be more responsible consumers of pornography, I recommend using the main sites using sites like Pornhub and being careful careful with your amateur porn consumption. And the, for example, the section of porn hub where it’s the Pornhub community, you don’t know those people have not seen signed the adult actor waiver that says they’re over 18. And there’s a waiver that you have to sign in order to do cam work and never to do any kind of porn work, etc. You don’t know if that’s revenge porn, you don’t know if everybody is consenting in those videos, often you can’t see faces. Often it’s stuff that’s filmed on a cell phone. And we’re actually going to talk about porn a little later and hopefully lighten up a little bit. A lot of that amateur stuff is what people like because it’s more realistic. The produced porn that you see is safe to watch. Those are actors who are under contract who are willingly there and doing their jobs. Other than that, you don’t know what the source of that videos of a guy jerking off in a car and people walking by like that’s a guy committing a crime and you’re watching somebody commit a crime, but to say that it’s that they’re there voluntarily, that they’re there to do a job is not to say that it’s not also exploitative, that’s getting into something completely different.
Max 41:00
Wasn’t it? Well, but I mean, just to say that since the to watch imply, like the way that we’re using the word safe,
Chastain 41:10
I’m talking about, I’m talking I’m trying to talk about sex trafficking. So I hear that a little bit. So I’m sorry. So yeah, it can be exploitative. But what I’m talking about in terms of making sure that the people that are there are consensually there and of age and have not been sex trafficked.
Erik 41:26
So support the pros.
Chastain 41:29
So yeah, support people who are doing consensual sex work and pornography. And if you want to support sex workers, there are swap chapters all over the United States and I’ll put a link to swap USA SW op usa.org on our show
Max 41:45
notes, do we know anything about coyote call off your old tired ethics that’s a that was a support and organisation organising. I know thing that I used to hear about a lot that’s still around.
Chastain 41:58
You’re talking about but I don’t know a lot about Though like in LinkedIn, if they’re still out there, Hannah, you said you had a question for me.
Hannah 42:04
I did. And that question was if this is the wrong legislation and the wrong way to go about changing things, making things safer for society and for sex workers in particular, what do you think would be the right direction for us to go? And,
Chastain 42:19
uh, well, I think for sex work, I think we need to decriminalise sex work. You know, I think if we look at, like with the whole marijuana debate, like there’s the legalisation versus decriminalisation. decriminalisation needs to happen first, and we need to get people who are sex workers, like we need to get their sentences overturned. We need to get people out of jail. We need to we need to make sure that we rectify all that and we need to make it safe for sex workers to do sex work. And I think that decriminalisation gets sex workers off the street and makes it better easier for sex workers to find sex work. If you look at the demographics of sex workers, you have some of the most vulnerable groups of people, especially trans people, especially black trans people, a lot of sex workers or black trans people. And I am neither of those things. I am a very privileged white girl. So I can’t really speak to their experience. But I can say as somebody who knows trans people and knows black trans people and knows black trans sex workers that it’s hard for them to, you know, not only stay safe, right, but also just get along in everyday society, which that needs to change in general. So I would say decriminalisation is really what we need to do. In terms of sex trafficking. I know that there have been laws about not taking kids across state lines, not taking women across state lines, not taking a lot of people across state lines. And I was sort of perusing while we were taking a quick break, and it looks like all of the sex trafficking laws that they’ve tried to enact have failed in some way. And so I think that the way that we end sex trafficking is that we help and better identify the emotional and mental health causes of paedophilia. So perhaps it’s less of a legal thing and more of a societal shift in stopping with we stopped glamorising youth. We stopped glamourizing the thin youthful form. Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t have the answers. Stop trying
Erik 44:47
to get Liam Neeson to handle it. We Yeah, we don’t i don’t i don’t think that Lee’s not gonna be the answer.
Chastain 44:53
No, I don’t think Liam Neeson is the answer, but I think he’s definitely on a better solution that we’ve had one Better than the last shot? Yeah. So that’s my answer. If you were asked
Hannah 45:10
in the spirit of
Max 45:13
data based solutions
Chastain 45:16
of database solutions,
Max 45:17
well, this goes all the way back to the man act, right like the white slavery law from the early 20th century. Yeah, that man, I’m not as smart in this as I think I am. But like, even if it wasn’t implicitly racist in its founding, it was used to, to keep black guys from having white girlfriends essentially, right, and taking them across state lines. And, you know, if we had learned in 110 years that you can’t legislate this out of existence, right, with, with whatever your particular justification is, or we can learn that
Chastain 46:00
You know, I don’t I don’t think we I don’t think we I don’t think we’ve learned anything. I mean, we haven’t learned that it’s important to make sure that people who are mentally healthy are the ones who have access to guns, as opposed to just letting everybody have guns. You know, we haven’t we have that’s
Erik 46:23
Chastain 46:25
It’s not, you know, we haven’t learned and we haven’t learned a lot of things. As a nation, we haven’t learned that everybody is equal and deserves the same baseline stuff. We haven’t learned that everybody should have access to health care that’s affordable, and everybody should learn. Every B everybody should be able to learn. We haven’t learned these things. We haven’t learned that the person’s skin colour doesn’t make a difference in their abilities, capabilities and their, you know, potential. We haven’t learned these things as a society. So when are we going to learn them? People shouldn’t fuck kids or steal them or make them fuck other people like when are we going to learn that? We can’t even solve the Catholic Church industrial complex. There’s an entire I mean, there’s an entire an entire system, Catholicism that is hidden to paedophilia what you want to want to do. But, but this isn’t an entire complex that is beyond the law apparently that has hidden paedophilia.
Erik 47:35
So we’re saying that people should all people should have access to healthcare and not all people should have access to guns. I’m saying that’s hypocritical.
Chastain 47:48
What do you What am I doing? I’m just saying we have XML dude. Check it out. Okay,
Erik 47:52
back out back out. Scope scope. Let’s pick the scope in
Chastain 47:57
Tana was trying to take us to porn.
Erik 47:59
Yeah, later.
Hannah 48:01
In the spirit of making
Erik 48:05
in the spirit of
Hannah 48:07
let’s talk about pouring in by the numbers.
Chastain 48:18
Are you enjoying our podcasts support us on Patreon for exclusive episodes swag and access to the Pod visit patreon.com/podpodcvltcast thats POD POD C V L T CAST dot com..
Erik 48:55
So we should talk about what we’re talking about. I guess real quick What are we talking about?
Hannah 49:03
Oh, what sparked this conversation? Last time? I second
Max 49:07
offhand question. When we were talking about whisper stuff, there was one in particular that was like, ladies, what porn do you watch? And I asked an offhand question about what was what are the statistics on? Women watching porn versus men watching porn? Yeah.
Hannah 49:23
And it’s harder than you might expect to find a reliable source on that, that doesn’t have a very obvious bias against porn as a concept.
Erik 49:33
Yeah, or that isn’t Cosmo,
Hannah 49:35
or that isn’t cosmic.
Chastain 49:36
So we had to turn to the ultimate source on porn.
Erik 49:40
Porn up. I mean, they are the let’s not,
Max 49:42
let’s not ignore the fact that Pornhub in and of itself is deeply problematic. And
Chastain 49:47
absolutely, as I was saying earlier,
Max 49:50
you’re just picking battles. You didn’t say that you said that we should use Pornhub to find our porn you did
Erik 49:56
and I say the word safe haven.
Chastain 49:58
I said you Use a reputable site, but don’t use their community feature and don’t use stuff that says
Max 50:06
or not. That doesn’t change what I said like Pornhub still is and of itself a problematic entity that has sort of wrecked the porn industry. I mean, we’ve all used the internet.
Erik 50:22
It is largely a horrible wasteland. But as we’ve all learned with time and internet usage, you get to choose the the best of the market.
Chastain 50:36
So what are we going to actually start talking about the porn?
Hannah 50:40
porn homes 2019 year in review, just so we can answer the initial question as asked says that the proportion of male to female visitors in the United States 30% women 70% men last year
Erik 50:57
is that I don’t know how they know that. I have no way If what
Max 51:02
is Pornhub? One of the ones that are certainly there certainly are porn websites at the first time that I opened them It says, you click a little thing that says I’m a man. Yeah. And I went to see this. And so that’s where that stats coming from. Right? Yeah, that’s where they’re Yeah, they collect, they collect for reporting.
Chastain 51:21
Yeah, they collect data, when you first go to the site, and then when you do things like switch over at for example, I watch a lot of gay porn. And sometimes when I switch over, it will re ask me what gender I am. And sometimes when I search for things, it will go Hey, you’re in the gay porn section. Are you sure you want to be here? And I’m like, Yes, I’m really want to watch this gay porn right now. Please shut up.
Hannah 51:48
proportion of female visitors worldwide is 32% which is 3% up from the previous year.
Chastain 51:58
That’s good. Well done. Like I was talking about, like I was talking about earlier, it says here the searches that defined 2019 the number one search was amateur porn. And so if it’s amateur quote unquote, that means that that’s somebody, most likely somebody’s home video that they’ve uploaded into the porn community. And they are not required if they’re uploaded into the Pornhub community to sign the adult waiver.
Max 52:27
As a consumer, as a consumer of porn, and someone who has searched for amateur porn. I’m going to disagree
Erik 52:35
Yeah, a lot of that is not amateur and they’re just laid
Max 52:39
looking is the majority of what I think one finds when one searches for amateur porn is amateur appearing, meaning the people don’t look quote fingers. horny.
Chastain 52:56
I talking about the cell phone videos, the I know what you’re talking about.
Max 53:02
I’m talking about what one there’s this
Hannah 53:04
year, sir.
Max 53:07
And I’m talking about what one finds when one searches for editor because I have frequently searched for amateur plus something else and I particularly want to say at the time, because you typically don’t get people who look quote, corny, yeah, meaning surgically altered in some unnatural looking ways or like just kind of overly corny production values in a video. I see. Yeah.
Chastain 53:41
Can we move on to the number two search term search tours? Yeah.
Erik 53:44
Can you say?
Chastain 53:47
Yeah, do you want to know why? The area 51 stuff? Oh, haha, because of the area 51 stuff. There was a lot of action on things like that. YouTube and tick tock you had a lot of people doing like weird alien stuff. And anytime you have an uptick in pop culture with a thing, it suddenly becomes a thing that people want to see porn of.
Hannah 54:14
Is this something that people were excited about? They were like we’re gonna encounter aliens for the first time and then we are going to book them Yes.
Chastain 54:22
Or they are going to fuck us.
Max 54:24
Well, probing is a long running joke in
Chastain 54:29
and on and I can tell you that many men wants to be probed.
Max 54:33
So three point of view, which Okay, fine. Four is a specific person. Phil Delfino. I don’t know. Yeah. Well, delphian person, I have a hard time believing that this is the alien and the bill delphinus where I lost confidence in this list, because I have a hard time believing that somebody I’ve never heard of is the number four most searched term.
Chastain 54:58
Oh, it’s it’s You know why? She’s a pink haired anime looking girl who’s doing lots of ooh faces?
Max 55:10
Oh, would you like to explain what that is? I know where it is and it grosses me out but
Chastain 55:16
it’s like it’s like the girl like the girl Come a face,
Max 55:20
but it’s not even that it’s the anime girl comics anime girl skies a girl that looks not like anyone that ever and I relatively certain that I’ve seen at least a sexual partners.
Erik 55:37
He said What
Chastain 55:38
will you Wu? I’ve never heard it pronounced I know you said Um, and I don’t know that she’s a porn star. She looks like she’s probably a tick tock person.
Max 55:51
So I don’t want to address this. Tick Tock. This is a personal dumb pet peeve of mine of long standing We don’t call everyone who’s ever been in a movie a movie star. We call everyone who has ever done porn, a porn star. And I think that’s a little bit a little bit overblown. Yeah,
Hannah 56:15
apparently she was really popular this year for doing spoof videos that may account for the crossover. And we’re
Max 56:23
also aim of search via dress spoof videos, tell me because I’m not sure that this is what that means. But I think this is what that means. Hey, remember when they like put some time into it? And they would call a porn parody, like pump friction or whatever. And now they don’t do that. It’s just like, Avengers. Porn parody, like, Come on dude. And we get into it. She trolled her beloved followers when she dedicated a Pornhub page to spoof. I have another old man question. Okay, number eight on this list is Apex lead. What is Apex legends
Chastain 57:01
a video game?
Hannah 57:03
Why is that a porn search? Because you’ve seen them in all the cosplay videos right? There’s yes legends characters. It’s a costumey thing
Erik 57:12
where a fortnight thing
Max 57:15
are you a fortnight?
Chastain 57:18
fortnight? It looks pretty like, Huh, I don’t see a lot of ladies, I think it’s mostly Oh, there’s a lady. It’s very, it’s very warlike and lots of robot arms. So so I’m only seeing our weird. Um, but let’s take a look at number 10 femme DOM. Dom stuff, so that’s pretty sweet.
Max 57:42
Yeah, that’s unsurprising me I think that I mean, I’ve certainly survived for femme Dom stuff. And I think that
Chastain 57:47
yeah, I think that mostly male it’s male gaze femme DOM, it’s not real femme DOM. It’s like femme DOM. Were like ooh, do stuff to me, tie me up and sit on my face. Like that’s not femme DOM. Sorry. Is that when you search amateur?
Erik 58:04
Are you going hipster? Search that? Yes.
Chastain 58:08
I mean, if somebody wants me to tie them up and sit on their face, they’re gonna like, that’s a relationship ASMR ASMR is big. Yeah, the dirty ASMR and also the dirty hypnosis videos. There’s a lot of there are a lot of the hypnosis videos where it’s, it’s really sexy voices going, you love cock, you wanna suck cock for me, but those are it’s like a femme Dom crossover. So it’s kind of like ASMR hypnosis, forced bisexual stuff, which I don’t believe in you’re like, you’re just bisexual and you want to suck dick. It’s mine. But you don’t have to be bisexual the SEC deck. I don’t know. Nevermind.
Hannah 58:47
Moving. What are the requirements to suck dick? You have to have a mouth
Chastain 58:54
or so that’s about it or some kind of suctions Bye. Oh, there you go. A machine. Perhaps One of those like cow milking machines, I like those videos,
Erik 59:03
but that’s not important. Yes, it is. That’s just a farm video. No, it’s not now there’s episode of hands me.
Chastain 59:11
No, it’s not not when there’s a dick in it or titties in it.
Hannah 59:14
Let’s be in move to number three. What?
Erik 59:18
What are the most searched terms?
Max 59:20
Yeah, so I I think because I don’t see it said anywhere else that this list of most search torques most search terms is global right? Do we think that probably
Chastain 59:33
further Are you looking at the most searched terms that starts with Japanese? Yes.
Max 59:39
Yeah. As Japanese hentai are one in two, Korean and Asian are what? like five and six or something? So do we
Hannah 59:50
think Yeah, so they clarify. That’s because there’s more viewership in Japan, right?
Max 59:54
That’s that’s what I’m trying to get it right. So we also see occasionally It’ll pop up as like a social media share that goes around, like the most searched term by state. And most of the time, that seems like some kind of vague dunking on, right. It’s like it’ll be, you know, Alabama, the most searched term is incest or, you know, right, right, or like some state that has deeply problematic racial issues. The most search term will be interracial or evany. And it seems like that’s unlike just don’t get on shit, right? Trying to say like, Oh, yeah, let’s we’re doing new. They’re always looking at incest videos. I think
Hannah 60:40
that’s a whole genre of a thing. where it’s like, by state, and I don’t know, maybe there’s they’re finding a number to back it up. Or maybe they’re just being cute.
Max 60:52
Yeah, I think that’s mostly what that is. That sucks.
Chastain 60:55
Okay, so can we talk about some things that are in the search term? Because I want to know what y’all are searching for. Okay, and if your things are on this list, I don’t search I just browse. What do you browse though? Where do you start
Erik 61:12
the first page,
Max 61:14
just go to the French’s all stepsisters,
Chastain 61:16
so that’s all stepsisters.
Erik 61:19
You go by the thumbnail and see where you go down the rabbit hole. Yeah.
Max 61:26
Have you ever searched rabbit hole? Don’t don’t.
Erik 61:31
It’s a trap.
Chastain 61:33
Do you know what a trap is? No. Okay, well, then that’s something for you to Google later. Huh? So max Yo, on this list,
Max 61:42
we’re looking at the most search
Chastain 61:44
terms of 2019
Max 61:46
the one that starts with Japanese hentai list
Chastain 61:48
of this list. What would be your number one search term?
Max 61:52
All right, I’m gonna scan down the list and I’m going to say the first thing that I have actually searched for the see on those Louis Okay, so you might have to do some editing it for a pause here.
Chastain 62:04
Okay, no problem. We have a lot of pauses in this episode. And I’m asking everybody the same question. So now would be the time to do your homework.
Erik 62:12
All right, answered. Bro.
Max 62:15
I’m gonna say that probably the closest to something that I have implicitly search for on this list is number 13 on this list, threesome. Okay, that’s right closest to the top, followed by 1415 1617 big tits. And occasionally you have to like change that up with like huge blue with smoke or some other variant on the term.
Chastain 62:44
All right. All right, Hannah, do you have any on this list?
Hannah 62:48
I have never used Pornhub
Chastain 62:50
or well any.
Hannah 62:51
However, I have to own up to two step mom being like the closest as I go down, okay,
Max 62:57
yeah. closest to cool. To
Hannah 63:00
a thing I have intentionally sought out. Okay,
Max 63:02
do you want to say so? Tell me later.
Hannah 63:08
I’ll tell you later about I insist thing. Excellent. So this is cool.
Chastain 63:15
So, Erik, is there anything on this list that you enjoy
Erik 63:19
your porn?
Chastain 63:21
But what specifically on this list would you
Erik 63:24
most of them
Hannah 63:26
I’m just gonna start from the top reading them as pairs and giggling Japanese hentai makes sense, right? Let us know. Korean Asian stepmom saw seen that one
Chastain 63:39
stepson massages really good because there’s a hole in the massage table where the penis goes through and then she gets like under it. Well, the guy’s girlfriend is asleep. And she like gets underwritten works from already
Max 63:50
great. Guest yes Some anime that’s definitely the term. Yeah. Well, Indian,
Erik 64:11
I mean if you pair him up Oh no, there’s there’s some other. I’ve seen a video that was titled that doesn’t matter what the pairing is it looks like
Chastain 64:20
okay, so can we talk about some of the porn actors and actresses
Erik 64:24
we can I don’t really know it Okay,
Chastain 64:26
so Mia Khalifa Are any of you familiar with the tick tock for hit or miss? There’s a song called hit or miss
Erik 64:33
no idea what you’re talking about.
Hannah 64:34
So there’s it’s inescapable. hit or miss
Chastain 64:39
Cassie never escaped it.
Erik 64:41
Hannah. I don’t need to hear.
Hannah 64:44
Chastain 64:45
okay, so there’s a song that is like a it’s like a diss track about Mia Khalifa. Oh, I didn’t know what it was. That it was like there’s a whole entire song and it’s a diss track about me. Khalifa. And then so that’s all I know about her. And then there’s Jordi Nino Coppola who is my favourite of the stepchild actors. He’s a very tiny What do you say step
Max 65:13
child actors
Chastain 65:14
he does a lot of the step mom okay i Okay, so my favourite is a it’s a braziers video in which his stepmom gives him a bath
Max 65:29
brazzers razors, whatever, razors,
Chastain 65:32
um, and his stepmom gives him a bath and she jerked him off with her feet in the bathtub. So it’s so elaborate
Max 65:40
to Yeah, explicitly describe specific porn videos,
Chastain 65:44
but like that’s that was where I first met. I was like, Oh, I like this guy and all of his videos speak to my certain something. So usually his videos don’t let me down.
Max 65:56
Yeah, to drag that some of my specific searches will often turn up James Dean videos. Yeah, since James Dean cancelled and we can’t. We can’t watch any James Dean videos.
Chastain 66:08
I recommend Danny D Danny D has done both gay and straight porn. Danny D has a very big dick.
Erik 66:15
Well, it’s the D he’s a
Max 66:18
porn actor. So
Chastain 66:20
not all of them do have big dicks and I
Max 66:22
guess they do they all have at least above average sized digs.
Erik 66:26
Except for the small big videos
Chastain 66:28
or you have to sometimes watch grandpa porn
Hannah 66:30
follow up question Yes. Is this why is this why the list of top porn stars that has these women’s faces on it is different from most search for male porn stars, which has no photos whatsoever.
Chastain 66:44
Yeah, nobody cares about their faces. Okay,
Max 66:47
actually, there’s one of them that does show some of the male performers faces and they’re weird looking.
Hannah 66:54
Is that why POV so you don’t have to see their faces. Yeah,
Max 66:57
yeah. And I guess in POV One of the big things that’s around now since some of the technology is available is like virtual reality. Yes. Which seems unpleasant and unenjoyable to me, I’m not interested in virtual reality porn. I’m not interested in any like, no
Hannah 67:19
porn experience that was virtual. I was thinking you were watching somebody having a virtual reality porn. Or that that’s
Chastain 67:29
just somebody wearing a mask jacking off. And I would be into that.
Max 67:33
Yeah, I can see that the appeal on that. But yeah, I mean, I find any kind of virtual reality movie experience unpleasant. And something that I would not want to do, but particularly porn. I don’t think that is something that I would enjoy.
Erik 67:52
I can only step back from like I’ve seen a couple of VR videos. So do they just have like a dude sitting in a chair with one of those like, Google Earth car camera setups on their head? Well, the chick is doing their thing. Like how does that work? I mean, I don’t know how the
Max 68:15
production happens, buddy, but it’s nothing I haven’t been the POV stuff I’ve seen it looks like the guys just holding a camera while
Erik 68:28
Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, the VR ones that like if you move your phone around in the VM goes with it and stuff like that.
Max 68:34
Yeah, I don’t know. But it didn’t do my homework.
Erik 68:39
I found it distracting. I found I couldn’t focus on the port part of it because I was wondering,
Max 68:44
we’re looking around the room to see accurate to see what was going on exactly
Chastain 68:49
accurate. So there are cameras in each corner. That’s how it works. I’ve not I have not seen virtual reality porn, but I’ve had a virtual reality experience. Not that fascinating. So I found a chart in this stat that says top relative categories viewed by women when compared to women elsewhere in the US. And in Virginia, the top category is German Erik,
Erik 69:14
I, it’s not my fault. Well,
Chastain 69:16
I watch a lot of vintage German born. So this may be me. You’re bringing up the
Hannah 69:24
I was just gonna ask, I saw that one of the categories is popular with women, and what is what is in that category? And is it popular with you? I was
Erik 69:35
in Missouri is fisting.
Hannah 69:38
When I was just this is one of the top categories that are muted. Oh, yeah. Yeah. What are they categories? It kind of denies
Max 69:46
that a search term because like I have a hard time
Chastain 69:50
searching popular when I speak. Sorry. I can’t say the word term. popular with women is a search term and I have gone down that rabbit hole, and it is all a lot of lesbian soft core kind of stuff or legitimate lesbian stuff
Erik 70:10
as opposed to illegitimate, illegitimate,
Chastain 70:13
not male case lesbian stuff.
Erik 70:16
And somewhere in that list Robin titties and crying
Max 70:19
Yeah, I don’t cry. I mean, what do lesbians do?
Chastain 70:24
I watched a really good lesbian video the other day and it started off with a chick who was crying in a hallway and another chick walked down and she was like, don’t let boys make you cry, and then they fucked and that was great. I had a plotline and everything. There was a party going on in the other room like they were comforting one another. It was wonderful, beautiful love story.
Max 70:44
Number one on that list that you were talking about? Yeah. Which I can’t find now to verify this, and I’m stretching it out trying to find it. Lesbian, lesbian was Know how bow
Hannah 71:01
in the list of popular with women
Max 71:04
is pussy licking, right? And something that they taught us about people hear about a lot in various places that talk about these sorts of things is that straight women watch a lot of girl on girl porn, because it’s not male gaze easy, right? Not as male easy as often. And that it’s, like tender and not violent and not spitting in faces and slapping around and that sort of stuff. Like even if you don’t particularly, aren’t particularly aroused by watching lesbian porn. It’s at least not like
Chastain 71:43
it is difficult and mean to find. You have to look for things like passionate porn or romantic porn. It’s difficult to find porn where there’s a lot of romantic guessing between men and women and things like that. When you find it, it’s great, but yeah, so there’s a viewed more often by women compared to men and pussy licking. Solo male fingering popular woman there it is again. Lesbian scissoring yay muscular men, romantic, bisexual male double penetration, threesome and gangbang
Hannah 72:26
are these also in your list?
Chastain 72:28
So most watched my list of most watch. I look for things like solo male. I enjoy watching men. masturbate. I like scissoring a great deal. I don’t like lesbian porn. threesome stuff is okay. Not really, I guess. gangbang Yeah, no, I’m more on the men’s favourite side. I like anti like big tits. I like yeah milfs Yeah, I don’t like tender porn. I don’t like. I like big boobs and weird taboos. And if there’s a taboo and a big boob,
Erik 73:18
that’s big boo, boo.
Hannah 73:21
This is very good. did four of the top 10 porn star searched more often by women are strictly gay male performers. 37% of gay male porn was actually being was actually being watched by women on Pornhub. Which I guess Pornhub feels should be surprising to us. I love
Chastain 73:42
I love gay porn. Love gay male porn
Max 73:45
is also really typical, like even among straight women is to like to look sexy until the game.
Chastain 73:55
This is very sexy. This dude’s name is William seed. Hashtag. Hey, All right, my seed.
Hannah 74:01
Oh no. That’s why we chose a different hashtag.
Max 74:07
Here, Bumblebee, I’ve been scanning up and down this this page and I can’t find it again. Another thing I can’t find, but there was a heritage time spent per visit. And for some reason it breaks it down to get by state again. And I think this is some weird like dunking on states thing that I don’t understand. But the state that visited the longest was 11 minutes and 26 seconds. The state that visited the least was nine minutes and 59 seconds. And that minute and a half different seems inconsequential and dumb to me to report like, that’s it speed is the same. And the overall average is 10 minutes, 36 seconds, which seems about right like that seems about you know,
Chastain 74:56
when I watch porn, I watch porn for about three hours. And there’s usually napping somewhere in there as well, because I typically falls asleep while masturbating. I’m not good at staying awake. I find porn to be very relaxing. It’s like watching some old friends. So what you’re saying is to create this average there must be a lot of people who are watching far shorter yes lots of time. Yes. I just found a list that said most searched for movie and TV characters. Yeah, that’s one of the Avengers are the top search Okay, followed by Harley Quinn the Teen Titans gross.
Max 75:37
I surprising Harley Quinn’s not at the top of that.
Chastain 75:40
Yeah. Uh, The Incredibles gross. The Simpsons gross.
Max 75:47
And for him Oh, speaking of speaking of James Dean, James Dean was in the weird yellow painted substance. Oh, yeah. So there’s a infographic on favourite times. So there’s a peak at 11 to midnight. That’s the ultimate peak, which makes sense, I guess, in a way, although I’m always asleep at that time, so it doesn’t make sense for me specifically, but there’s also like the next closest peak is three to 4pm mid afternoon so is this at work?
Chastain 76:27
That’s me.
Max 76:29
That’s my naptime. That’s you break in the grading curve. Yeah,
Chastain 76:32
that’s my nap. That’s nap not from two to four.
Erik 76:40
Now you know, the Golden Globes. While it was broadcast,
Chastain 76:47
there are a lot of there are a lot of people who go and watch porn on their phones in their bathrooms and things like that at work.
Erik 76:56
One of the further down ones is TV and live broadcast traffic. So, on January 6, the Golden Globes caused a 5% drop in traffic.
Max 77:09
Oh, I wonder about March Madness. That’s probably not even on the list season.
Chastain 77:16
Oh, they have statistics. So on March 13 of last year there was a Facebook and Instagram outage because it’s been six and 9pm it caused a 19% increase in porn. Yeah, I’ve heard about that. So I found the Super Bowl. Oh, I found the here they are MBA. So during the Superbowl in the United States, porn viewership drops 27%. During the NBA Finals in the United States, it drops 8% in the winning city, it drops 30% in Toronto. The losing city it only dropped 15% college basketball Trent championships in the United States. It dropped 2% in Virginia dropped 5% for the for the World Series. Drop 3% gc dropped 8% Oh, NASCAR
Hannah 78:08
that’s interesting. You’re competing with everyone else who’s playing any video anywhere.
Chastain 78:13
Holiday during Easter Sunday in Switzerland. Well, just 25% United States holiday traffic Okay, here we go. On st. Pat’s on Labour Day it increases 4% on St. Patrick’s Day it increases 4% on Good Friday and increases 5% on Veterans Day Black Friday and Valentine’s Day their increases as well. 39% decrease on New Year’s Eve. There decreases on Christmas Eve New Year’s Day. Easter Sunday and Halloween. That’s interesting. I don’t think that there would be an increase on Thanksgiving because you’ve got that like time after you finish eating with your family when like you retire after 8pm is like dumb
Hannah 78:59
Got your bag of lube. Ready to go?
Erik 79:04
Oh, man. She’s the big lube
Max 79:08
with you. So are they like traffic by operating system? Yeah, I don’t I don’t have any idea what the statistics on actual usage is. But it seems like it just reflects what most people like. It seems like it’s just the same breakdown as what people use, right? Like, yeah,
Hannah 79:27
yeah, make sense.
Chastain 79:28
You want to know about the top searches in
Hannah 79:30
Croatia? I’ve got that data. So very detailed report.
Chastain 79:33
This is a very detailed report. Pornhub does not play
Erik 79:38
big business.
Chastain 79:40
Oh, there are comments. Oh,
Erik 79:43
oh, I’m curious about the Croatian one. Where’s that?
Chastain 79:46
This is Oh, here we go. This is Baron two s says this is so much better than YouTube Rewind. Dead ass what I was thinking once I saw that they did more countries than just the United States in Japan. actually put.
Erik 80:01
Can we step back one second in the younger people seem to use the phrase dead ass all the time and
Chastain 80:10
should they get off of your lawn? Okay, Boomer.
Erik 80:14
Well, I mean, I’ve only heard people younger than me say it. Except for you now. Well, you should start saying no. I think it’s one of those things that we kind of like, I don’t know.
Chastain 80:33
All right. His comment is from Nome two months ago, why the fuck is Mario higher than bows or bells? That what the fuck is wrong with people?
Hannah 80:42
Oh, did you see clarification on where the gender information comes from? No. Someone from Pornhub chimed in to the comments to correct somebody to say PR for privacy reasons we do not use data from registered or logged in users for our insights. data comes directly from Google Analytics. Which makes determinations on age and gender Yes, that’s why they don’t have access to algorithms to determine sexual orientation even if you put it into your profile they won’t use it for this purpose. Yeah. Which is good to know and makes that more or less sounded we
Chastain 81:15
use Google Analytic
Hannah 81:16
yeah so it’s it’s a best guess. But it’s the best guess that everyone else today. Oh, in all industries are using so
Erik 81:24
good podcast and we’re all just looking at porn stats.
Chastain 81:27
What happened to doctors and nurses?
Erik 81:29
What did happen to them? Well, that damn Obamacare. That’s what happened.
Chastain 81:35
Here’s two more workout videos in 2020
Max 81:37
I guess how are we gonna wrap this up?
Erik 81:40
Apparently we’re not. Luxembourg ranked 150
Chastain 81:46
Okay, from DJ Kelly. If lesbianism is very high then we men are not doing our best in bed. I think our I think our inability to take time to do as women want makes them seek out their Fellow woman who understand them if lesbian was very high, so how do we feel about that? Do we feel that men are not doing their jobs and that’s why women are watching female porn. I think max gave us the answer earlier where it’s just because it’s more tender. Right. So how we’re wrapping this. Yeah. Thanks for listening.
Hannah 82:29
You’ve been listening to the Pod Pod Cvlt Cast podcast with your hosts, Max, Chastain, Hannah and Erik. Our theme music is by Lobo Loco. Our break music is by Pale Blue with Goberino, you can find Episode shownotes social media and contact information at podpodcvltcast.com. Our podcast is brought to you by our supporters on patreon.com/podpodcvltcast . Thanks for listening
Credits & Contact
- Hosts: Max, Chastain, Hannah, & Erik
- Website: www.podpodcvltcast.com
- Email: thepod@podpodcvltcast.com
- Title Music: “Spencer – Bluegrass” by Lobo Loco
- Midroll Music: “The Point Break” by Pale Blue/Goberino
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